Cutting Edge Ministries

Leadership Trianing Program Sample Program - CMI 10-Week Training Program. Please note that this is only a sample layout of a recent Leadership Training Program. "YOU" refers to the CMI client. 1. COURSE DESCRIPTION and PURPOSE: This Leadership Training Program will introduce concepts and insights necessary for releasing the ministry effectiveness of participants. It will not only inspire, but also: 1. Change our perception of the Church's mission and ministry, and hopefully help us develop a ministry mindset. 2. Show us some of the various models and approaches to missions and ministry particularly needed and relevant in a changing society. 3. Acquaint us with basic concepts of biblical leadership that will help shape our leadership styles and attitudes. 4. Produce better informed, better equipped, spiritually passionate and more focused vessels (of honor) fit for the master's use in ministry. 2. COURSE FORMAT: The class will meet every Wednesday for ten (10) consecutive weeks, beginning on ..., at ... Each class will begin with prayer and worship before instruction in the Word. 3. COURSE CONTENT & GOALS: At the conclusion of this course, participants will understand: 1. The Missionary Vision and Call upon the Church (Body of Christ). The assertion that "Church Planting is the most effective evangelistic strategy"(Peter Wagner) will be discussed. 2. The Mission of the Church from a historical perspective: i.e. The Apostolic and Christendom eras/paradigms; the rapidly changing nature of our society and the impact of forces such as Modernity and Post-Modernity on the Church's mission. 3. The importance/necessity of developing a Cross-cultural perspective and sensitivity in a multicultural church/society such as ours, for the effective communication of the gospel. 4. What is meant by a Systems Approach to Ministry: prospective leaders and current leaders/workers will appreciate their ministries and roles better as we examine your Core Values and Ministry Strategy/Systems. 5. The basic Principles of Leadership: Definition of Leadership, Importance, Leadership styles etc.; Worldly and Kingdom Leadership will also be contrasted. 6. The Principle of Authority as it relates to God's Kingdom; The vital place of submitting to Godly Authority if effective leadership is to be exercised in one's area of ministry. 7. The "Paretto Principle" and how it relates to kingdom business; "The Priesthood of all Believers" i.e. God's desire and purpose to see every gift, resource, talent(spiritual & natural) given by Him to His people, deployed in the Church through the Ministry of Helps. 8. "To Organize or Agonize:" Aiming for Excellence in Organization, Administration and Program Planning: (Why, How, Who and When?) TEACHING FORMAT: 1. Format will be primarily through lectures, with as much biblical support for principles taught as possible. Diagrams, slides and other visual aids will be used where necessary and available. 2. A minimum of ……. (?) books will be made available to each participant. 3. Required Reading List. REQUIRED MATERIAL: 1. A Bible 2. A Notebook/ pad (just for this course) 3. A Pen (notes -taking is a must for each participant) 4. Instructors Training Course Syllabus QUIZZES: There will be two (2) quizzes during this ten week Leadership training program. The first will be during the fifth week of class: (i.e. the 20th. of June), the second on the last day of class (i.e. 1st.August). Content of quizzes will be based solely on material taught in class and required readings. PRACTICUM: 1. Purpose: In the Great Commission, Jesus commanded the Church to "Go into the world and make disciples(not converts) of all nations…..teaching them to observe(obey) whatsoever I have commanded you…"(Matthew 28:18-19) The emphasis here was on Teaching done for the purpose of Application(Obedience) not Information. It must be noted that no amount of teaching received and knowledge gained will make one a "minister." Just as swimmers are not made in a bathtub, so are disciples/ministers not made in the classroom. Principles taught and learnt must be first internalized and then in obedience, put into practice in a context of accountability. This is the key to Discipleship, Leadership and fruitfulness in ministry, and thus the essence of this Practicum. 2. Group Discussion/Interaction: All participants will be divided into groups for both in and out of class discussion of subject-matter and concepts taught in class. It is hoped that such an interactive format will first enable participants process information taught, and secondly help participants determine how, where and in what situations or ministries the knowledge gained can be applied.(obedience) Ministry of Helps Application Forms will also be made available to all who decide to serve in the Ministry of Helps. 3. Prayer Power: Ministry, Mission and Leadership in the kingdom of God flow out of a passion for God. Ministry without passion only leads to burn-out. Prayer and the Word are the basis for this passion. All participants are to discipline themselves to an hour a day (at least) of fellowship with the Holy Spirit.(30 min. in prayer/30 min. in the Word/Meditation).Group leaders to provide accountability in this regard. Please note: It is ALL for YOUR Good. 4. Evangelism: To be coordinated in conjunction with local pastor or designated leader. GRADUATION: At the end of this Leadership Training Program, graduation certificates will be awarded to all participants who successfully complete and fulfill all requirements for graduation. They are as follows: 1. Complete all classes. 2. Exemption from class will be granted for no more than two absences. Class(es) missed must be made up. Make-up for class(es) missed must be discussed with the Pastor. 3. Both quizzes must be passed with a minimum grade of 60%. 4. All practicum requirements must be fulfilled. (note: esp. B,C,& D)
International Central Gospel Church
Raising Leaders, Shaping Vision & Influencing Society Through Christ
Temple Adonai - California
Church Address: 1050 E. Palmdale Blvd., Ste. 209B, Palmdale, CA 93550 Mailing Address: International Central Gospel Church, PO Box 901251, Palmdale, CA 93590-1251 Phone Numbers: 661-874-5660 / 661-916-8844 Church E-Mail: Services: Sundays: 10am - Intercessory Prayer Sundays: 10:30am - Worship & Celebration Service Wednesdays: 7pm - Intercessory Prayer Wednesdays: 7:30pm - Worship, Prayer and Teaching © Designed by Wimberly’s Web Works

Cutting Edge Ministries is comprised of

the following:

Cutting Edge Ministries Main Page Financial Freedom Leadership Training Testimonials
International Central Gospel Church  Temple Adonai - California
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Cutting Edge Ministries

Leadership Trianing Program Sample Program - CMI 10-Week Training Program. Please note that this is only a sample layout of a recent Leadership Training Program. "YOU" refers to the CMI client. 1. COURSE DESCRIPTION and PURPOSE: This Leadership Training Program will introduce concepts and insights necessary for releasing the ministry effectiveness of participants. It will not only inspire, but also: 1. Change our perception of the Church's mission and ministry, and hopefully help us develop a ministry mindset. 2. Show us some of the various models and approaches to missions and ministry particularly needed and relevant in a changing society. 3. Acquaint us with basic concepts of biblical leadership that will help shape our leadership styles and attitudes. 4. Produce better informed, better equipped, spiritually passionate and more focused vessels (of honor) fit for the master's use in ministry. 2. COURSE FORMAT: The class will meet every Wednesday for ten (10) consecutive weeks, beginning on ..., at ... Each class will begin with prayer and worship before instruction in the Word. 3. COURSE CONTENT & GOALS: At the conclusion of this course, participants will understand: 1. The Missionary Vision and Call upon the Church (Body of Christ). The assertion that "Church Planting is the most effective evangelistic strategy"(Peter Wagner) will be discussed. 2. The Mission of the Church from a historical perspective: i.e. The Apostolic and Christendom eras/paradigms; the rapidly changing nature of our society and the impact of forces such as Modernity and Post-Modernity on the Church's mission. 3. The importance/necessity of developing a Cross- cultural perspective and sensitivity in a multicultural church/society such as ours, for the effective communication of the gospel. 4. What is meant by a Systems Approach to Ministry: prospective leaders and current leaders/workers will appreciate their ministries and roles better as we examine your Core Values and Ministry Strategy/Systems. 5. The basic Principles of Leadership: Definition of Leadership, Importance, Leadership styles etc.; Worldly and Kingdom Leadership will also be contrasted. 6. The Principle of Authority as it relates to God's Kingdom; The vital place of submitting to Godly Authority if effective leadership is to be exercised in one's area of ministry. 7. The "Paretto Principle" and how it relates to kingdom business; "The Priesthood of all Believers" i.e. God's desire and purpose to see every gift, resource, talent(spiritual & natural) given by Him to His people, deployed in the Church through the Ministry of Helps. 8. "To Organize or Agonize:" Aiming for Excellence in Organization, Administration and Program Planning: (Why, How, Who and When?) TEACHING FORMAT: 1. Format will be primarily through lectures, with as much biblical support for principles taught as possible. Diagrams, slides and other visual aids will be used where necessary and available. 2. A minimum of ……. (?) books will be made available to each participant. 3. Required Reading List. REQUIRED MATERIAL: 1. A Bible 2. A Notebook/ pad (just for this course) 3. A Pen (notes -taking is a must for each participant) 4. Instructors Training Course Syllabus QUIZZES: There will be two (2) quizzes during this ten week Leadership training program. The first will be during the fifth week of class: (i.e. the 20th. of June), the second on the last day of class (i.e. 1st.August). Content of quizzes will be based solely on material taught in class and required readings. PRACTICUM: 1. Purpose: In the Great Commission, Jesus commanded the Church to "Go into the world and make disciples(not converts) of all nations…..teaching them to observe(obey) whatsoever I have commanded you…"(Matthew 28:18-19) The emphasis here was on Teaching done for the purpose of Application(Obedience) not Information. It must be noted that no amount of teaching received and knowledge gained will make one a "minister." Just as swimmers are not made in a bathtub, so are disciples/ministers not made in the classroom. Principles taught and learnt must be first internalized and then in obedience, put into practice in a context of accountability. This is the key to Discipleship, Leadership and fruitfulness in ministry, and thus the essence of this Practicum. 2. Group Discussion/Interaction: All participants will be divided into groups for both in and out of class discussion of subject-matter and concepts taught in class. It is hoped that such an interactive format will first enable participants process information taught, and secondly help participants determine how, where and in what situations or ministries the knowledge gained can be applied.(obedience) Ministry of Helps Application Forms will also be made available to all who decide to serve in the Ministry of Helps. 3. Prayer Power: Ministry, Mission and Leadership in the kingdom of God flow out of a passion for God. Ministry without passion only leads to burn-out. Prayer and the Word are the basis for this passion. All participants are to discipline themselves to an hour a day (at least) of fellowship with the Holy Spirit.(30 min. in prayer/30 min. in the Word/Meditation).Group leaders to provide accountability in this regard. Please note: It is ALL for YOUR Good. 4. Evangelism: To be coordinated in conjunction with local pastor or designated leader. GRADUATION: At the end of this Leadership Training Program, graduation certificates will be awarded to all participants who successfully complete and fulfill all requirements for graduation. They are as follows: 1. Complete all classes. 2. Exemption from class will be granted for no more than two absences. Class(es) missed must be made up. Make-up for class(es) missed must be discussed with the Pastor. 3. Both quizzes must be passed with a minimum grade of 60%. 4. All practicum requirements must be fulfilled. (note: esp. B,C,& D)
Raising Leaders, Shaping Vision & Influencing Society Through Christ
Church Address: 1050 E. Palmdale Blvd., Ste. 209B, Palmdale, CA 93550 Mailing Address: International Central Gospel Church, PO Box 901251, Palmdale, CA 93590-1251 Phone Numbers: 661-874-5660 / 661-916-8844 Church E-Mail: Services: Sundays: 10am - Intercessory Prayer Sundays: 10:30am - Worship & Celebration Service Wednesdays: 7pm - Intercessory Prayer Wednesdays: 7:30pm - Worship, Prayer and Teaching © Designed by Wimberly’s Web Works

Cutting Edge Ministries is comprised of

the following:

Cutting Edge Ministries Main Page Financial Freedom Leadership Training Testimonials