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Raising Leaders, Shaping Vision & Influencing Society Through Christ
Church Address: 1050 E. Palmdale Blvd., Ste. 209B, Palmdale, CA 93550
Mailing Address: International Central Gospel Church, PO Box 901251, Palmdale, CA 93590-1251
Phone Numbers: 661-874-5660 / 661-916-8844
Church E-Mail: icgctempleadonai@gmail.com
Sundays: 10am - Intercessory Prayer
Sundays: 10:30am - Worship & Celebration Service
Wednesdays: 7pm - Intercessory Prayer
Wednesdays: 7:30pm - Worship, Prayer and Teaching
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"Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is
old he will not depart from it" (Proverbs22:6)
"...Bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the
Lord..." (Ephesians 6:4)
ICGC's Children's Ministry, dubbed: Jesus People,
is committed to helping and supporting parents in
the spiritual formation of their children, using a Christ
and bible-centered approach.
ICGC believes that it is the primary responsibility
of parents to ensure, not only the physical and
emotional well-being of their children, but also their
spiritual health and development. A healthy
reverence for God and the things of God, go a long
way in defining and determining a child's character,
the kinds of choices and decisions that he or she
makes , and ultimately who that child becomes, as a
result of these choices and decisions.
ICGC's Children's Ministry does not attempt to
usurp the responsibilities of parents in the ‘raising’ of
their kids; it simply aids parents in re-enforcing those
lessons and disciplines that, hopefully, they are
already teaching and inculcating in their children.
Below are the specific goals of ICGC’s Jesus People
Children’s Ministry.
It is our goal:
To encourage our children to learn in an age-
appropriate setting, with a curriculum designed
to educate them in the things of God.
To lay a solid Christ-centered foundation in our
children’s lives, one that will stand the test of
time and sustain their faith into adulthood.
To teach our children God’s Word, so they will
grow to think the way God thinks and live the
way His Word commands.
To inculcate godly habits and lifestyles in our
children that will be manifested in their daily
walk, whether at home, school, on the
playground or in church.
To help our children develop an appreciable
understanding and respect for the principle of
authority and authority figures.
To make each child’s experience at church fun,
safe, and beneficial as they grow in Christ-
To allow parents and other adults have a great
worship experience at church, devoid of
ICGC's Christian Education Department is
committed to the spiritual development of the entire
membership of ICGC: both children and adult
The department seeks and assures the spiritual
education, or formation of members, by facilitating a
process of Discipleship and Leadership
Training/Development, which aids members in the
discovery, nurture and deployment of their gifts and
talents for church growth and kingdom business.
Those who unite with ICGC in membership for the
purpose of Worship and Fellowship, are equipped to
greater levels of maturity in Christ, to the end that they
might contribute to the furtherance and expansion of
the ministry and kingdom of God - as Disciples, Leaders
and/or Ministers.
Of strategic importance in ICGC’s Philosophy of
Ministry is the Covenant Family concept, commonly
referred to in other circles as Home Cells, House
Fellowships, or Love Circles. ICGC believes that the early
church in the book of Acts experienced phenomenal
growth because of two basic reasons:
It was large enough to fulfill its evangelistic
It was small enough to minister to the personal
needs of each individual, through fellowship and
It is this second dimension, (i.e. ministering to the
individual and personal needs of parishioners),
particularly in an era characterized by social
fragmentation, disintegration of the family unit,
isolation and loneliness, which needs to be addressed
through small groups (Covenant families).
ICGC Covenant Families will consist of a group of
six to twelve people, who consider themselves to be
members of one family (the family of God), in covenant
with each other, through the blood of Jesus Christ. The
group, bound together by its covenant relationship to
Christ and to each other, commits to growing together
through mutual love, support, nourishment and care.
The importance of this ministry cannot be over-
emphasized. The entire human body consists of cells.
The health of these cells ultimately determines the
health of the human body. Likewise, the health and
vitality of ICGC’s Cell groups (Covenant Families) will
ultimately determine the health and strength of the
church as a whole.
It is worthy of note that Christ’s vision of reaching
the entire world with the love and power of the Father,
began with just 12 disciples; he had a vision big enough
to make him think small.
Purpose of Covenant Families:
Evangelism – Covenant Families will be bases and
‘lighthouses’ for Evangelism in the community,
illuminating the surrounding darkness.
Pastoral Care – Covenant Families will provide
Pastoral Care, a support mechanism for church
members, and ensuring that none falls through
the cracks.
Spiritual Gifts – Covenant Families will enable us
discern, nurture and affirm the Spiritual and
Ministry Gifts Christ has set in the church.
Accountability – Covenant families will create a
context of accountability for real life-change and
character transformation among our
Discipleship & Leadership Develpment –
Covenant Families will encourage Hands-on
Discipleship and Leadership development.
Church Planting - The combined result of the
above is Church Health, Planting and Growth.
“Remember your Creator in your Youth, when the evil days
have not come" (Ecclesiastes 12:1)
ICGC’s Chosen Generation Youth Ministry is
committed to reaching their peers and all youth in our
community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, by being a
‘Youth friendly’ community, providing a positive and
affirming environment that welcomes and integrates
young people into the church, values their
participation, cultivates their relationship with Christ,
and calls forth their gifts and talents in His service, and
in the service of their community. To this end,
members of Chosen Generation Youth Ministry will live
and lead by example, patterning their lives after the
Word of God, inspired and led by the Holy Spirit,
excelling and maximizing their God-given potential, in
all areas of their lives – spiritually, physically, socially
and academically.
Why Youth Ministry:
Youth are most vulnerable: The adolescent
stage is a most critical phase in every person’s life.
It is the stage teenagers become more conscious
of themselves, as well as, the opposite sex. The
desire to be rid of parental control and assert their
independence, not to mention the quest for
acceptance and experimentation with drugs,
smoking, sex etc. is quite intense. Ironically, this is
the time satan also sets his trap.
Youth face more complex issues today: The
problems our youth are faced with today are more
complex than previous generations: gun and
domestic violence, teenage pregnancy, abortion,
aids, bullying, issues with identity, sexual
orientation etc. The disintegration of the family is
also contributing, in no small way, to create a new
breed of dysfunctional kids, with no role models,
self-esteem or sense of identity, prone to violent
behavior and lifestyles. The net result is increased
drug use, gang activity (90,000 in LA county alone)
and an avalanche of social evils.
Youth serve as a Bridge: The future of any
society, nation or church depends on the vision
and vitality of its youth. Our youth serve as vital
link, a bridge, between the present and the future
- little wonder satan initiates his attack at this
stage (Exodus1:16-22 / Matthew2:13-20) We must
do whatever it takes to protect our children/youth
because they are our only hope for the future.
Youth have a Hunger for Connection: Mankind
was created with an innate desire for relationship
and fellowship. Young people, in particular, have a
hunger for connection, to be in relationship and
fellowship, and to belong. The disruption and
disintegration of the family unit in our society has
created an entire generation of kids in desperate
need for love, and this hunger for connection.
Family, peers, school, youth ministries and
organizations, church, and unfortunately, gangs,
are primary connections for young people.
Youth Need a Compelling Vision and
Adventure: “Without a vision, people perish”;
scripture says (Prov. 29:18). Young people are
always looking for a noble and compelling
adventure for their youthful zeal and enthusiasm;
they hunger for a challenging vision of life, a cause
worth their commitment. Cults and many anti-
social organizations prey on and recruit such
‘hungry’ youth, often frustrated, vulnerable and
unsuspecting, into their ranks, and exploit this
passion for significance within them. Youth
ministries, like Chosen Generation, provide a
positive alternative to this quest; a noble, bigger
and challenging vision – to live for.
Reach them Now or others will: We need to
reach our kids now; if not others (the drug dealer,
gang member, pimp, rock star or other kids) will.
Teaching them to simply say: “No”, may not always
work. We need to also teach them what they can
say “Yes” to – such as, Education, Ethical and Moral
Values, such as, Abstinence, Hard Work, Integrity,
Good Manners, Faith, Vision, etc.
Disturbing Youth Statistics:
Drugs: A Department of Justice survey showed
that 25% of Youth in grades 9 to 12 had been
offered drugs on school property, while 84% of
students surveyed, expressed how easy it was to
obtain drugs, especially marijuana.
STD’s: The Center for Disease Control and
Prevention indicates that of the 19 million cases of
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD’s) reported
annually in the US, about 50% ( 9 million) of
victims are youth, between the ages of 15 and 19.
50% of all new HIV infections also occur among
Suicide: According to the American Psychiatric
Association, the third (3rd) leading cause of death
among teenagers, aged 15 to 19, is suicide, often
caused by conditions such as depression, drug
use, mental illness, divorce, and bullying.
Gang Activity: FBI, and other sources on gang
activity in the US, estimated the nation-wide gang
population in 2009 to be approximately 1 million.
40% of this number (i.e. 400,000), were below the
age of 18. 360,000 out of the total were boys,
while the girl gang population was between
32,000 and 40,000. The average ages of a gang-
member were 18 and 19, with about 25% gang-
members as young as 15 to 17 years of age.
Teenage Pregnancy: Adolescent childbearing is
more common in the United States (22% of
women reported having had a child before age 20)
than in Great Britain (15%), Canada (11%), France
(6%) and Sweden (4%); differences are even
greater for births to younger teenagers. According
to Planned Parenthood, American teens become
pregnant at a rate, 12 times higher than the
Netherlands, and other industrialized countries.
11% to 12% of total births in the United States are
too teenage mothers. Approximately 750,000 to
900,000 pregnancies occur each year to teenage
girls between 15 and 19 years in the US.
Approximately 112, 000 abortions occur among
teens aged 15 to 19 in the US.. The age of sexual
debut varies little across countries, yet American
teenagers are the most likely to have multiple
partners. Teenage mothers are statistically less
likely to graduate from High School, much more
go on to college. Teen mothers are more likely
than women who delay child bearing to live in
poverty and to require public assistance. Children
of teen mothers are more likely to be born at low
birth weight, to have health and developmental
problems, and to be abused and/or neglected.
The cost of teen pregnancy amounts to an
estimated $7 billion annually in lost tax revenues,
public assistance, health care, and other costs.
Personal/Spiritual Development: To help foster
the personal and spiritual growth of each youth.
Adolescence and young adulthood are important
times for mental, spiritual, social, and physical
growth. Their relationships and experiences
greatly influence their healthy and positive
development, as they mature into full adulthood.
Personal Faith Commitment: To help youth
become aware of God, as revealed in Jesus Christ,
to respond to Christ in a personal commitment of
faith, and to follow God’s will in the full meaning of
church membership and Christian fellowship.
Life-long Walk with Christ: To prepare youth for
a life-long walk with Christ, by developing a heart
that loves and pants after God, a mind that knows
God’s Word, a will that commits to the Gospel and
to ongoing discipleship, and a Life that cares for
and connects with, believers and non-believers
within the youth ministry, the church, and our
Discipleship: To empower young people to live as
disciples of Jesus Christ, in an overtly perverted
world today, by providing them with the faith skills
for discipleship and the accountability necessary
for life-change and character transformation. Such
skills include, the ability to do personal Bible
study, correctly interpreting scripture, (the bible),
applying these truths to every area and
relationship (with family, authority figures, the
opposite sex etc.) of life, and the ability to lead a
Bible study, small group discussion or teach a
Evangelism & Personal Witness: To guide youth
to confidently state their commitment to Christ,
boldly share with, or witness to their friends and
peers about their personal faith in Him (Jesus
Christ), and to invite others to respond to Him.
Prayer Life: To help and encourage our Youth to
develop a meaningful, devotional prayer life,
through the cultivation of a consistent and
personal prayer life and quiet time.
Worship Experience: To help youth experience
worship, both celebrative and reflective, in private
(i.e. on a personal level), and also in corporate (i.e.
church) settings.
Christian Stewardship: To guide youth in
exploring, discovering and nurturing their abilities
and talents, and deploying them for service in the
church, community and world. Stewardship
regarding career or vocational choices, as well as,
stewardship of their money, time, including
pleasure time, and abilities will be emphasized.
Self-Acceptance & Esteem: To help youth grow in
understanding and acceptance of self, by
affirmation. Offer our youth, biblical concepts of
self-image, and giving them positions of service
and leadership, suitable to their gifts, talents,
abilities and mission.
Develop Social Skills: Offer our youth
opportunities to develop their social skills,
through integration, interaction and full
involvement in Christian fellowship and church
activities. Our youth will be equipped with insights
that will enable them deal wisely with life’s
pressures, make right decisions and choices,
develop self-respect as a pre-requisite to learning
how to respect other forms of authority (parental,
the law, teachers etc.).
Vision, Purpose & Passion: To provide our youth
with a sense of Mission, Vision and Purpose, i.e.
something to believe in, live for and die for. Talk to
the average teenage drug user, gang member or
juvenile hall inmate, and one thing becomes clear:
He/She has no sense of purpose, direction or
hope. Idealism and Passion are primary
characteristics of youth. This passion, left
unharnessed, undirected or misguided, can have
terrible consequences. Our goal is to provide
guidance and direction to our Youth, and thereby
channel their passion and idealism into productive
or fruitful ventures. (Proverbs 20:29).
Healthy & Positive Inter-Personal
Relationships: To provide a forum where our
youth can develop healthy and positive
friendships and associations. “Bad company ruins
good character” (1Cor.15:33). The adage: “Show
me your friend and I’ll show you your character”
holds true especially, for our youth.
Recreational Activities: To provide recreational
activities in a healthy social environment where
our youth can bond, unwind and develop a
healthy social life. “All work and no play, makes
Jack a dull boy” goes the old saying. Such
recreational activities may include Christian
concerts, drama, movies, sports, picnics,
excursions/hikes, group visits to amusement
parks, (e.g. Disneyland, Raging Waters etc.).
Youth Center: Consistent with our mission, vision
and core values, ICGC will establish a Youth Center
that will provide support to at-risk youth and their
parents. We will promote the Christian values we
espouse, and offer programs that provide
alternatives to teen delinquency, gang activity and
life on the streets.